Jonathan T. Viner to Speak on Multiple Claims, Multiple Insureds at CLE
In February 2015, Jonathan Viner and other panel members will presente a webinar sponsored by Strafford Publications, a well-known continuing legal education company, entitled Insured's Right to Independent Counsel: Conflicts of Interest, Multiple Insureds, Multiple Claims, and More.
Several hundred attorneys from dozens of law firms, insurance companies and corporations registered for this webinar. The webinar will address the concept of independent counsel, distinctions among states as to whether and when an insured might be entitled to independent counsel, and determining whether a conflict of interest exists such that independent counsel is warranted.
Jonathan's portion of the presentation identifies complex and unique issues that arise where an insurer is defending multiple insureds in an action, and when multiple claims covered and non-covered claims are asserted against the insured.
Jonathan will contribute to a discussion regarding considerations for insurers dealing with independent counsel issues, and an insurer's options in the face of insureds insisting on retaining independent counsel.
Jonathan previously participated in a similar Stafford presentation, and was asked to participate again based on popular demand.
Please contact us to request a copy of the presentation materials.